Survey: IT Professionals Interested in Developing Mobile Android More than OS Applications

Diposting oleh fatih on Jumat, 18 November 2011

Since its inception, it attracted the attention of Android application developers. In addition to open source is positioned, the owner was a giant company, the search engine "Google". So serious was ascertained its existence, with a promotion system that is not less great.

As a result, in a survey known that most of the workers in the field of IT professionals around the world carrying more choose to develop Android applications other than mobile applications platform.

The results obtained from the study of computer companies, IBM, which says more than 4000 IT professionals across the globe who became respondents, some 70% are planning to spread and develop mobile applications for Android-based platform.

Based on the same data, known IOS came second with 49% figure. Then followed by the Microsoft Windows platform Phone and Blackberry OS.

Not only that, according to a report cited PULSAonline via BGR, the IBM states that the mobile computing market is ready, and offers an optimal means for the growth of IT professionals and organizations to develop Android applications developers. IBM also said that within the next 24 months will be the leader of the Android mobile platform.

Open source platform based on Java and XML is said to provide ease in learning by the IT. IBM also encounter data, where 3 of 4 respondents currently working on Mobile Computing solutions. The result, at least movement of the growth of application developers will grow to 85% in 2 years

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